Assisteens Support Partners Who Address Domestic Violence

According to the Huffington Post, the number of U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan and Iraq between 2001 and 2012 was 6,488. The number of women who were murdered by current or ex-male partners during that same time frame was 11,766.

Assisteens® of the Bay Area partners with two shelters, The Bridge Over Troubled Waters and Bay Area Turning Point, to touch the lives of the children who enter their new temporary home, often fleeing for fear of becoming a part of this alarming statistic.

Fleece blankets are created by our members and delivered to the shelters regularly. The blankets are given to the youngest residents to provide security and comfort.

After the monthly membership meeting, teens work on creating the blankets, others check out the kits to work on at home, and many participated in the summer project, where they committed to making up to three blankets which coincided with the summer hiatus of June, July, and August. Over 140 blankets will be delivered to the two shelters over the next few weeks.

Assisteens of the Bay Area commends our philanthropic program partners for what they do to prevent domestic violence.