Over 90 Fleece Blankets Delivered to Bay Area Turning Point through Project Snuggle Philanthropic Program

According to the National Coalition on Domestic Violence,1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced physical violence by an intimate partner. This includes a range of behaviors – slapping, shoving, and pushing; an intimate partner has injured 1 in 7 women and 1 in 25 men.

Children, the youngest members of the families, often witness violent actions, and when they have to leave their homes in a hurry, they can’t take anything with them and are forced to flee for their safety.

To ease the transition to the shelter, Assisteens® of the Bay Area have taken the initiative to provide soft and cuddly fleece blankets through their philanthropic program, Project Snuggle.

As a gesture of support for Bay Area Turning Point’s ongoing efforts to eradicate domestic violence, we delivered 90 blankets on Tuesday, October 17th, which coincides with Domestic Violence Awareness Month.