All donations to the Assistance League of Greeley are tax deductible under IRS statutes. That means whether you donate clothing or household items to be sold at the Bargain Box Thrift Store, or make a monetary donation, you can receive a receipt showing a donation which can be deducted form your federal income taxes.

Donations help fund six philanthropic programs we provide to the residents of Weld County, Colorado.  We distribute school uniforms to Greeley-Evans School District 6 Title I schools through Operation School Bell®. Area hospitals treating victims of assault can send their patients home in new clothes in our Assault Survivor Kits®. Color Me Weld provides hand-held distractions to children awaiting treatment for themselves or a family member at some of those same hospitals.

File of Life® medical documentation forms can be obtained at the Bargain Box Thrift Store, at area health fairs, and with blankets and bedding from Warm Up Weld County. And, Weld County residents who attend the University of Northern Colorado or Aims Community College can benefit from the single-parent scholarships we provide.

None of these programs would be possible without community donations and support.