Operation School Bell®

An extremely high percentage of students in our local Title I schools qualify for free and reduced lunches.  Their level of poverty also the family’s ability to purchase quality clothing to wear to school. By providing new school uniforms for all students in eight schools, the Assistance League of Greeley helps to even the playing field for all students.

File of Life®

File of Life medical forms, when completed, provide vital medical information to emergency responders and healthcare providers. Your medical history, medications, allergies and emergency contacts are all included.

Warm Up Weld

Each fall, we contact schools, shelters and seniors’ agencies to distribute blankets and bedding for their students and clients. These gifts provide hope and warmth in the cold of winter to those most in need.

ASK® (Assault Survivor Kits)

When victims of assault arrive at local hospitals for treatment, their clothing is often taken as evidence for later prosecution of perpetrators. We provide new clothing and personal items to men, women and children for their discharge from the hospital. Support for this program gives back dignity and comfort when they’re needed most.

Color Me Weld

Our newest philanthropic program, developed at the request of North Colorado Medical Center, provides coloring and activity books, crayons and markers, Etch-a-Sketch and Doodle Blues, and other simple items for nurses to offer as distractions for children in difficult hospital situations.

Single Parent Scholarships

Single parents attending Aims Community College or the University of Northern Colorado are eligible to apply for these tuition awards annually. These parents serve as a great example to their children while they pursue education that will advance their careers.