Teens In Action

Teens In Action is a service program administered by Assisteens®, a group of incredible young volunteers.    Our Assisteens, under the supervision of energetic adult ALKC sponsors, pour themselves into touching the lives of struggling and impoverished people in our community for whom celebrations are often few and far between.  Assisteens exists to shine hope into the lives of these hurting people.

Assisteens is open to students in grades 7 thru 12 who desire to work alongside other service-minded teens dedicated to making a difference in their communities.  Assisteens members should also be prepared to make lots of new friends, laugh, learn, and have tons of fun!

During 2022-2023 Celebration bags containing a cake mix, frosting, a book, and a gift were given to children who had been removed from their homes and placed in a temporary foster care facility; homeless teens received duffel bags for their belongings, hot meals, and sack lunches were provided to homeless persons and children were served through a trunk-or-treat event.

2022 –  2023 Program Review


Individuals Served


Assisteens Members in 2022-23


Dollars Spent

Celebration Activities

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Celebration Bags

Our teens assemble a party in a bag for the children at New House and Synergy House domestic violence shelters.  Each bag contains everything to create a party for a child:  cake mix and frosting, paper products, and an age-appropriate gift. During 2022-20223, Celebration bags were distributed to 120 children, 2 to 18 years old.

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Celebrations for the Homeless

Our teens work together to feed the homeless in our community. In 2022-2023 alone, these dedicated young people provided 300 sack lunches to Uplift Organization to distribute to homeless people in the Kansas City area.  In addition to those sack lunches, our teens prepared 300 hot meals for the homeless last year. 400 sack lunches were also provided for Feed Northland Kids Project.

Trunk or Treat

Halloween Trunk or Treat Celebration

Our teens are committed to providing a fun and safe Halloween experience for children in our community who often miss out on such things. Last Halloween our teens decorated cars, organized games, and provided delicious treats for children at the Synergy Children’s Shelter and the Synergy domestic violence shelter.

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For Teens by Teens

Often youth who are living without parental guidance and support can use a hand up.  We work with high school social workers to provide them with a duffle bag packed with some basic clothing items and personal hygiene supplies.  Our Assisteens assemble the duffle bags and write a personal note of encouragement to include as well.   Our goal is to give kids a bit of hope, to let them know there’s someone out there who cares about them, even when they’re enduring a difficult time in their lives.

For more information about Assisteens or how you can join,
click the Assisteens box below.