Assistance League of Las Vegas currently honors exceptional volunteers with three awards: the Ada Laughlin Edwards Award and the Anne Banning Leadership Award, created by National Assistance League, and the Mary Laub Award, created by our local Las Vegas chapter.

Ada Edwards Laughlin Award

Ada Laughlin was a co-founder of Assistance League. Known as the “silent partner”, she was instrumental in outlining policies to promote and expand Assistance League nationwide. Since 2001, Assistance League of Las Vegas has presented the Ada Edwards Laughlin award to a member who has contributed significantly to the chapter while remaining behind the scenes. These members have provided quiet and dedicated service above and beyond the chapter’s normal expectations.

2001 – Maureen Russell
2006 – Rosie Wattoo
2008 – Marianne Slagle
2010 – Carol Warman
2011 – Lisa Clarke
2014 – Carolyn Glaser
2015 – Mary Redman
2016 – Joan Meccariello
2017 – Debbie Rogers
2018 – Lynn Steffens
2019 – Charlotte Besuden
2020 – Laura Rehberger
2021 – Lilian Xu
2022 – Pat Thompson
2023 – Carole Greene
2024 – Joann Riordan

2023 Award Recipient Carole Greene

Mary Laub Award

Mary Laub was one of the founding members and first president of Assistance League of Las Vegas.   The award is a special recognition of a member who has gone beyond expectations in supporting Assistance League of Las Vegas in leadership and dedication.

2010-2011 – Mary Laub
2011-2012 – Sharon Schmitt
2012-2013 – Sheila Burns
2013-2014 – Jeanne Bell
2014-2015 – Joann Riordan
2015-2016 – Cathy Askew
2016-2017 – Nancy Leslie
2017-2018 – Joyce Carr
2018-2019 – Amy Tabor
2019-2020 – Sandy Mullally
2020-2021 – Bunny Lawrence and
Lisa Clarke
2021-2022 – Marianne Slagle
2022-2023 – Karen Martin
2023-2024 – Diana Anderson

2023 Award Recipient Karen Martin

Anne Banning Leadership Award

This award is named after Anne Banning, one of the founders of National Assistance League, who promoted growth and effective volunteerism through leadership and education. This award demonstrates the importance and value of leadership to Assistance League chapters, while also honoring the accomplishments and dedication of the recipient. It is a special recognition of a member who has served in major leadership roles, demonstrated sustained enthusiasm, guidance, and participation in chapter programs, modeled personal commitment to the mission and values of the chapter, and represented the chapter mission and values in the community.

2018-2019 – Dana Wiesner
2019-2020 – Amy Tabor
2020-2021 – Sylvie Courtemarsh
2021-2022 – Deon Poort
2022-2023 – Michele Burton
2023-2024 – Sandy Mullally

2023 Award Recipient Michele Burton