Gift Acceptance

Assistance League Minneapolis/St. Paul accepts donations from individuals, corporations or businesses that are consistent with its mission and that support its programs and projects. Assistance League reserves the right to refuse a donation if it is determined to be outside of the organization’s mission or deemed unwieldy to administer. Donations may be monetary or in-kind. All donations not readily convertible to cash or restricted to a purpose outside our normal programs will be reviewed by the Gift Development and Review committee before being accepted.¹

Donors should be aware that while items may be accepted for use, our needs sometimes change. Therefore, Assistance League reserves the right to sell, donate to another philanthropic organization, recycle, dispose of, or return a gift to the donor.

Please contact our Vice President Resource Development,, for assistance in planning and completing your gift. All gifts are appreciated.

website: assistance


¹Assistance League Minneapolis/St. Paul

  • is committed to respecting the privacy wishes of all individuals, businesses and organizations making a donation to Assistance League Minneapolis/St. Paul. Please see our Donor Privacy Policy for details.
  • urges all prospective donors to seek the assistance of personal legal and financial advisors in matters relating to their gift and the resulting tax and estate planning considerations. This may include an appraisal and all such costs shall be covered by the donor.
  • will, at its own expense, seek the advice of legal counsel, as necessary.
  • has created a Gift Development and Review committee that is responsible for reviewing, accepting, and making recommendations on gift acceptance issues when appropriate.