Clothes for Kids

Clothes for Kids partners with Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Richfield Public Schools to provide new school clothing to children at selected area schools. Our goal is to ensure that every child can come to school confident that they are appropriately dressed and ready to learn. Selected schools receive an allocation of funds from which they can choose clothing from a menu of options that meets the needs of their individual students. Ancillary personal clothing and hygiene supplies are available on this menu and distributed as needed within each school. When asked about observable changes in students receiving new clothing, 80% of teachers surveyed said they recognized a positive change in student confidence and 70% reported improvement in the students’ level of engagement with peers and/or school activities. This program serves nearly 3000 students each year with a goal to expand to additional schools in the community each year.

Families are really appreciative of the uniform support as this is just another cost that sometimes they cannot afford.

-Sheridan Social Worker

This uniform program helps with consistency and provides the student structure and being part of a community.

-Nellie Stone 5th grade teacher

Start Smart

The Start Smart program provides students with essential items that promote school success in the classroom. Items have included clothing, hygiene products, school supplies among other needs our partner schools identify. During 2022-2023, Assistance League was able to fill critical needs identified by our school partners in a timely manner through this program. As a result, thousands of students in Minneapolis, Richfield, St. Paul, and South St. Paul schools received needed items such as winter coats, snow pants, gloves, earphones, books, headsets, games, gas, bus and food gift cards as well as other items to support distance learning. In response to the impact of this program, we heard, “Honestly – these gift cards have been a huge saving grace and are also very respectful in that they allow the parents and students to get what they need and maintain their self-confidence and dignity.”