Food for Kids

Many students in our community look to their schools to provide them with nutritious meals during the week so they are ready and able to learn. Food for Kids was established in 2012 to meet the growing need for food during the weekends. Assistance League member volunteers pack bags of food each week and deliver them to participating schools. The weekend food packs are specifically designed so that students can prepare these kid-friendly meals for themselves and their siblings if adults in the household are at work or otherwise occupied, lessening the stress for the entire family. During the 2022-2023 school year we provided over 30,000 pounds of food.

Every Meal, a partnership program, also, provides weekend meals for families. After signing up, families are able to choose from five different meal options that are tailored for specific dietary preferences.

The food bags have helped to keep food on the table during times when school is not in session.

-River Bend Social Worker