Assistance League Thrift Shop
“New To You”
5 West Sixth Street
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
(707) 546-9484
“New To You”
5 West Sixth Street
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
(707) 546-9484
Assistance League Thrift Shop has received many votes in the Press Democrat’s Readers’ Choice Award for many years but ALL you need to know is come on down to see for yourself. 5 West 6th St, Santa Rosa, CA
Monday is Senior Discount Day at our shop. Seniors 65 and older receive 10% off all their purchases. Not to be combined with other discounts.
Assistance League Thrift Shop is an upscale, resale shop offering quality clothing, useful household items, small appliances, books, shoes and decorator items at great prices. Additional merchandise is put out daily. Our weekly specials make shopping a worthwhile experience.
The thrift shop is our main fundraising source. All monies raised in the shop go directly back to the community through our philanthropic programs. When you shop, you give!
Your donations are always appreciated! Funds raised benefit children and adults in need or at risk in our community. Receipts for donations are available for tax deduction purposes. At this time we are only able to accept donations Monday and Wednesday, during store hours
The thrift shop sells quality resale merchandise. All unsalable donations are recycled to other nonprofits. Please check items you are donating and be sure they are in good condition. Call us with any questions about donations at (707) 546-9484 during business hours. For safety and security reasons, donations are not accepted when the Shop is not open. Please, do NOT leave items outside when we are closed,
We do not accept the following items for resale: