Anne Banning Leadership Award Recipient . . . Kathy Robbins

The Anne Banning Leadership Award was presented by Diane Michel, May 5, 2021.
“It is a great honor for me to be presenting the Anne Banning Leadership Award to one of our outstanding Assistance League sisters today. This is the first time ALB has presented this coveted National award to a member of ours.
The Anne Banning Leadership Award is named after the founder of Assistance League, who promoted the growth of effective volunteerism through leadership and education. This award demonstrates the importance and value of leadership to Assistance League chapters, while also honoring the accomplishments and dedication of our chapter recipient.
Anne Banning was a member of a small group of prominent Los Angeles ladies who did local charitable work beginning in the mid 1890”s, calling it Assistance League
In 1919, Anne Banning and a group of 12 friends, including Ada Edwards Laughlin, formed the founding Assistance League of Southern California Chapter. Anne was committed to providing food and clothing for local families severely impacted by World War 1. The first services provided were Good Samaritan, Day Nursery, Girl’s Club and Theatre for Children.
Anne Banning was an amazing woman in her time! She focused the energies and interests of her friends on the needs of human beings in her community. She often surprised and horrified her friends with her unconventional fundraising ideas! Her understanding of human behavior combined with her business expertise forms the tenets of today’s American philanthropy.
Today we are honoring an AL sister who has demonstrated sustained enthusiasm, guidance, and participation in our chapter programs and activities. She has modeled personal commitment to the mission and values of our chapter, and has represented our Chapter’s mission and values in our Bellingham community for 16 years.
Our AL sister has served in the following committees or programs:
              Advisory Council, Membership, and Speakers Bureau for 2 years
              Fundraising, and Strategic Planning for 3 years
              Public Relations, Yule Boutique and Social Media either 5 or 6 years
              Care Center Support and Enrichment Scholarship 10 years
              Mentor, 12 years
              Operation School Bell, 14 years
              Thrift Shop, 15 years
              To those years we add Education, Finance, Membership Recruitment Class Coordinator, Telephone/E-tree, Website and
Last, but certainly not least, our recipient has served as VP Communications, VP Membership, and two years as our Chapter President.
I’m not done yet! In addition to her commitment, she brought us her husband Dan who served several years on the Advisory Committee as well as being a great donor!
Kathy Robbins, thanks for the memories we all have shared with you the past 16 years!”