Assisteens® is an auxiliary group for students in grades 7-12. This group supports numerous non-profit groups throughout El Paso as well as Assistance League® of El Paso programs. as a group, Assisteens volunteer over 1200 hours in the El Paso community annually, learning valuable leadership skills.  Many Assisteens earn the Presidential Service Award annually.

Assisteen members volunteer throughout the year at La Posada Home, Boys & Girls Club, Kelly Food Bank, Books are Gems, etc. working with children and lending a hand where needed. A favorite is the parties engaging children residing at La Posada Home with crafts, games, outdoor activities and treats. La Posada Home is a transitional living center for homeless women and children creating a safe place to build a new life.

Another Assisteens focus area is activity planning for residents at the Simpatico Cielo Vista Assisted Living Center for seniors. They interact with the residents during activities including a “Senior Prom” and art projects. The seniors thoroughly enjoy the interactions with our young leaders.

Assisteens raise their activity funds through projects including Mister Car Wash ticket sales and candy sales.

If you would like to join Assisteens, please contact our Assisteens advisor at and complete the following steps. Assisteens Application and Reference page.

  1. Please print , complete and submit the Assisteens Application form and acknowledgements found below.
  2. Ask an adult to complete and submit the Adult Reference form.

Our Assisteens Coordinator will be contacting each applicant and reference via email.  Thank you for your interest.