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Thrift Shop News

ThriftShop Hours3

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Many ways you can help!

Planet Green Recycle Program

Donate – Make a donation support our philanthropic programs.

Legacy Society – What will your legacy be? Click Here for details.

CARS Program – We are partnering with CARS who auctions donated vehicles – Donors will receive free pick-up & tax receipts.  Our organization receives revenue! Please Click on the CARS Symbol to start your donation.

Ralph’s Community Contribution Program – Click Ralphs – Ralph’s Community Contribution Program for the instructions.

Volunteer Awards 2024-2025

Volunteer of the Year

This year’s Volunteer of the Year Award goes to Marilyn Scheininger. Six years of being our Chapter Treasurer is extraordinary. Marilyn balanced the books, wrote checks and never lost a penny. She always kept us financially secure.

Ada Edwards Laughlin Award

Kathy Aubin received the “Ada Edwards Laughlin Award, Behind the Scenes.” Kathy never says “No” to any request for help. She does it all with a smile.

Ann Banning Leadership/Education Award

Shelley de Ganna, the fearless chair of the AL Thrift Shop accepted the “Anne Banning Award for “Leadership/ Education.” Shelley comes with enthusiastic, new ideas, and boundless energy.

News & Events

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Operation School Bell/Target

Operation School Bell®/Target took place this fall from 10/1/2019 through 10/22/2019.  We clothed just under 1200 school children. The event was featured on KUSI News!  Click on the image above to view the aired news.

Flowers For Seniors

The “Flowers for You” Committee gets together every Monday and creates beautiful flower arrangements. They deliver the flowers to Assisted Living facilities, teachers, and any program or individual in our community that could use a “pick me up”..  The flowers are donated by Franco’s Flowers on Leucadia Blvd, Trader Joes and local florists.

Operation School Bell/Camp Pendleton

8,800 children of enlisted military families at Camp Pendleton recently enjoyed a free shopping spree for new school clothes courtesy of seven chapters of Assistance League®. This is the sixteenth year that chapters of Assistance League have collaborated to offer this shopping opportunity at Camp Pendleton.

Preschool English Literacy Program (PREP)

We had such a fun time with our little guys at Head Start!  Christmas was in the air!  At the end of tutoring, we presented each child with a snowman bag with a knitted snowman ornament inside to hang on their tree or wherever.

Assisteens back in Action

The Assisteens are happy to be meeting in person again and have been quite busy.  They have volunteered for Feeding San Diego, the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation, Meals on Wheels, the Thrift Shop, and Flowers for Seniors.  We currently have 31 members and are meeting monthly at San Dieguito United Methodist Church.  Space for new […]

Bravo for Books

Great Job ALRSD! In recognition of our “Bravo for Books” program, we received this letter from our State Senator, Catherine Blakespear! Keep doing the “good work”!

Accepting Applications for Volunteers

Become a member! Join an incredible group of volunteers dedicated to making a difference in Coastal North County San Diego.
Assistance League of Rancho San Dieguito welcomes new members at any time.

Visit Our Thrift Shop

The Thrift Shop is our primary source of funding for our philanthropic programs.  We are proud of our reputation as one of the best and friendliest thrift shops in the Coastal North County San Diego area.  Our members work hard to make sure the merchandise is always good quality, clean, and priced fairly.

Shop Information

1542 Encinitas Blvd.
Encinitas, CA  92024
(located in the Taco Bell mall)

Hours of Operation:
Mon – Sat :  11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Closed Sundays

More Information