Celebrating 63 years of service to Bakersfield!

Assistance League of Bakersfield is an all-volunteer, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, dedicated to serving the community through philanthropic programs. It was organized by Ruth Ann Montgomery as the “Volunteer Service Guild” to provide community service: clothing children who otherwise might not be able to attend school through Operation School Bell®.  It was incorporated in November 1956 with 24 charter members and certified by the Bakersfield Charity Board of Appeals. In May 1958, the Guild was chartered as the 23rd chapter of the National Assistance League as Assistance League of Bakersfield.

Operation School Bell began in a member’s garage and later moved into a loaned building on Golden State Avenue.  In January 1959, a former church and adjoining lot on “O” Street was purchased to house our growing philanthropic program.  Groundbreaking was held in June 1966 for our new Chapter House at 1216 “O” Street, adjacent to the church.  This building was dedicated in January 1967.  The lot east of Chapter House was purchased in 1978.  An addition was completed in April 1981.

Bargain Box opened on California Avenue in September 1959 to provide funds for clothing purchases.  As these quarters soon became inadequate, 916 California Avenue was purchased in October 1961.  A 1,400 sq. ft. expansion was completed in September 1977.  In 1983 the lot next door was purchased and a 5,000 sq. ft. expansion opened to the public in 1984.

In June 2004, escrow closed on the trade of all our property for 1924 “Q” Street.  This trade concluded four years of work with the City and developers on redevelopment plans to secure our successful relocation.  In March 2005, the move was successfully completed.

On June 5, 2011, we were bestowed the Chairman’s Award for 55 years of philanthropic work benefiting the community.  The Crystal Camellia Award was presented, by the Chairman of the Board of the Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce, at the Beautiful Bakersfield Awards Ceremony honoring those who have strengthened and assisted the Kern County Community.

Mission Statement

Assistance League of Bakersfield volunteers transforming the lives of children and adults through community programs.

Transforming Lives Strengthening Community

Vision Statement

Essential needs are met in our communities and families flourish.

Transforming Lives Strengthening Community

Annual Report and Financials

Volunteers Enriching Lives for a Better Community

Volunteer Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in joining Assistance League Bakersfield. We look forward to speaking to you about the organization and sharing with you the rewarding experiences within the community. To learn more about the philanthropic programs and fundraising events and how to become a member we invite you to browse our website or contact us directly at (661) 323-0838 or email membership@alofbak.org

In the 2015-16 fiscal year, 258 dedicated Assistance League members donated over 31,000 volunteer hours to the philanthropic programs.


Voting Members – these members participate in and support the philanthropic programs such as Operation School Bell® and the fundraising efforts, including the thrift store and annual Chez Noël Holiday Tour.

Sustainers – is an associate member group that is open to voting members who have completed 8 years of service or more. They also raise funds to support the philanthropic programs.

Las Manitas Associates – is an associate member group that is open to voting members who have completed 1 year of service. They support the philanthropic programs and fundraisers. This level of membership’s volunteer hour requirements is slightly less than a voting member.

Assisteens® – is an auxiliary member group consisting of high school students in grades 9 through 12. These students raise funds to support the philanthropic programs and gain community service hours for their efforts.

Assistance League of Bakersfield 2023-24 Board of Directors


Jerene Battisti

Vice President Membership

Jeanne Young

Vice President of Philanthropic Programs

Kathy Hanson

 Vice President Strategic Planning

Andrea Wright

Recording Secretary

Linda Smart


Jacque Kennedy

Bargain Box Management Team

Cindy Bowman


Dennie Jones

Marketing Communication

Ann Marie Duquette

Property Management

Jan Pasquini

Resource Development

Kathy Love

Assisteens Coordinator

Liz Haley


Teddi Fanucchi

Assistance League Bakersfield 2023-24 Advisory Council

Sylvia Cariker
Retired, Buck Owens Production Co.

Harry Chicklenis, Retired
Bakersfield City School District

John Frick

Klein, DeNatale, and Goldner

Geoff King, CPA Partner
Barbich Hooper King Dill Hoffman

Gary Olson, Architect
Olson Design Studio

Mary Jo Pasek
Retired, Bakersfield College

Katie Russell
PBVSD Superintendent

Stephen Sanders, Chief of Staff
Kern County Superintendent of Schools