Back to School

Across the country children, parents, grandparents, teachers, and many others are thinking about the beginning of the new school year.  Vacations are a memory and it’s time to visit an Assistance League Thrift Shop where you can stretch your money and make it go a long way.

Remember that students of all ages can find what they need in thrift shops.  The shop may have furniture, housewares, and other items that are perfect for that student who just graduated, is moving away from home, and needs to furnish a first apartment.  An example of a thrift shop that has these things is Assistance League of Georgetown Area.

If the shop has children’s clothes, and school supplies such as backpacks, take the children with you, and let them know how much each of them has to spend.  This can be a good lesson in budgeting and economics.  Assistance League of Kansas City’s store is one place that has children’s clothing and school supplies

Another place children have an opportunity to learn budgeting is through Operation School Bell®.  Whether your chapter partners with JCPenney, Target, Walmart, another retailer, or you provide clothing in-house, children see how far the money goes.

Any day is a great day to buy what you need in the Assistance League Thrift Shop near you.  Here are some tips to make your shopping trip a success.

  • Take a friend with you.
  • Prepare a list of the things that you want to buy in the thrift shop before you go.
  • When buying in thrift shops, you will find many things with unknown labels or those that aren’t famous, but don’t ignore these items.  Remember to prioritize, quality is important.

Each of our thrift shops is unique.  Check out the one near you today.  Click here to search for the one nearest you!