Carlsbad – Hosting Annual Tree Auction Fundraiser

Twenty-six trees will be auctioned to raise money for programs like Operation School Bell, New Start, Books and Beyond and Make a Difference Day.

Assistance League president Pam Tabor said the fundraiser has significantly helped purchase clothes for Operation School Bell, which dressed 850 kids this year before the first day of school.



Cindy Elkins, the resource development coordinator for Assistance League, said bidders don’t actually purchase the trees, but the tree decorations.

“Each member has a certain amount to spend (on decorations),” Cindy Elkins said, adding that decorations are store-bought and homemade.

Each tree is uniquely decorated and carry names like “Santa’s Surprise,” “Muy Mariachi” and “Gatsby Christmas.”

Elkins said people who bid are required to have their own tree. After a bid is made, the organization will set a date to deliver the decorations and arrange them on the tree for the bidder.

Elkins said the organization has raised $60,000 to $80,000 from the auction in previous years.

“This is a hardworking organization. We love Carlsbad and the kids,” Tabor said. “It’s our main fundraiser.”

The organization will also host its annual Christmas Bazaar from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 12.