Irvine – Northwood Sixth-grader Sketch Chosen as Cover for Assistance League’ Young Masters Art Show

With a theme like Imagination Knows No Boundaries, it’s no wonder Northwood sixth-grader Maizah Ali’s sketch was chosen as the cover of the Assistance League’s Young Masters Art Show.

Ali’s dreamy sketch shows a young girl pondering dinosaurs, butterflies, a rattlesnake with legs (and a bowler hat) and an elephant with zebra stripes.

Ali said she likes to draw cartoon characters, primarily animé and manga figures. Where did she come up with her characters, including the cat with wings?

“That was just an imaginary animal I came up with last summer. It’s like it can fly out of your imagination,” she said. As for the snake, “everyone knows that a snake doesn’t have feet, so I wanted it to have feet.”