The Power of Volunteers

Whether you are interested in working at our Thrift Shop or volunteering for one of our philanthropic programs, and helping us to run our organization, we would greatly welcome your help.

 If you would like to serve your community, just let us know. Isn’t it time for you to get involved?


I Want to Volunteer

To learn about volunteer opportunities, submit the form below, call 805-379-5686, or email


Let’s discuss your availability and interests.
The form is for interested adults only.  Students wanting to join our Assisteens auxiliary should go to the Assisteens page and scroll to the bottom for the interest form.
Thanks for your interest!

"*" indicates required fields

This form is for adult chapter only. If you are a potential Assisteens Auxiliary member please go to Assisteens tab and you will find your information there.
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