Assistance League of Los Altos is one of the 120 chapters of Assistance League. We are an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonsectarian service organization that puts caring and commitment into action through our philanthropic programs in Santa Clara County. We fund our programs through grants, generous donations from our membership, the community, and special events. We operate several philanthropic programs aimed at enriching the lives of children and families. Member volunteers are dedicated to ongoing support and a long-term presence in the community through hands-on involvement and innovative philanthropic programs.
What We Do
Our mission is to improve people’s lives through local philanthropic programs we operate in Santa Clara County. We provide essential goods and services to low-income new mothers and their newborn infants, underserved school-age children, their families and college students. Through these programs, we hope not only to enrich people’s lives but also to help them flourish.
Our chapter has two philanthropic program categories: Operation School Bell® and Community Needs. The Operation School Bell program serves children from preschool thru high school, and the Community Needs program serves different age groups. There is a program under the Community Needs umbrella, Baby Bundles which serves infants, their mothers and families. We partner with Santa Clara County’s Valley Healthcare Public Health Nurses.
The Operation School Bell program is an Assistance League flagship program. Under the Operation School Bell umbrella, we partner with Hospital School at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital in Palo Alto Unified School District; Sunnyvale School District including Bishop Elementary, Columbia Middle, Lakewood Elementary, San Miguel Elementary, and Vargas Elementary Schools serving Title 1 students; Fremont High School in Fremont Union High School District; Mariano Castro Elementary School in Mountain View Whisman School District; and Los Altos School District. Through the Operation School Bell Program, we supply the students with books, school supplies, uniforms and equipment, and other school-specific supplies.
Assisteens® is an auxiliary of Assistance League of Los Altos. It comprises of 7th through 12th graders from local public and private schools who engage in volunteer activities and philanthropic projects throughout Santa Clara County. The goal of the program is for Assisteens to develop a sense of community awareness, self-reliance, personal responsibility, and leadership skills through guided activities. Some of these activities may include participating in the holiday shopping program for low-income families referred by the County Public Health Nurses, working on projects for homeless shelters, making crafts or playing Bingo with residents of a local assisted living community, and other projects as needed.
Regular meetings are typically held on the second Sunday of each month, September through May, from 4-5:30 p.m. Meetings are held in our Chapter House in downtown Los Altos.
Interested in joining Assisteens? Please contact us.