What is Assistance League® of Nashville?

  • An all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) organization, founded in 2005 to serve the needs of disadvantaged children in Nashville. We are the 115th chapter of Assistance League, our national organization.
  • Listed on GivingMatters.com.  Awarded the GuideStar Platinum Seal of Transparency. We follow the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance Standards for Charitable Accountability.
  • A district-wide PENCIL Partner with Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) and the recipient of the 2014 Mayor’s Award for Outstanding system-wide PENCIL Partner. We also have community partnerships with Soles4Souls, CRC, Nashville Children’s Alliance, UniCycle, MNPS and MNPS’s H.E.R.O. (Homeless Education Resource Office).
  • The honoree from Middle Tennessee for the 15th Annual Governor’s Volunteer Stars Awards (GVSA) 2022. The GVSA is hosted by Volunteer Tennessee, the Governor’s Commission for Volunteerism and Community Service.
  • An Agency Partner with United Way Greater Nashville.

How has Assistance League impacted Nashville, since 2005?

  • Provided over 132,982 service hours to the community.
  • Returned over $1,841,423 to the community.
  • The current rate of return is 87% of expenses to community.
  • Positively impacted the lives of over 64,539 children through the following programs:

Operation School Bell®

Our signature philanthropic program provides children in need with new school clothing: 2 pairs of pants, 2 polo shirts, 6 pairs of socks, 6 pairs of underwear…and now…a hygiene kit, with full sizes of body wash, deodorant, shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste. This program has been proven to enhance self-esteem and academic success of the children we serve, said 96% of reporting MNPS elementary school counselors in a recent survey. This year alone we have:

  • Provided clothing and hygiene kits for 4,095 students at 80 Metro Schools, including 449 homeless children through the H.E.R.O. Program. An additional 11,976 pairs of new Bombas socks were also distributed.
  • Provided 20 boxes of diapers to McNeilly Center for Children.
  • Wrapping paper, bows and gifts for their parents were provided to 48 children to help them prepare for the holidays.
  • Since 2014, distributed over 5,376 new winter coats to MNPS elementary, middle, and high school students.

Hand in Hand

Provided snacks, books, coats, toys & supplies for a total of over 7,435 child survivors of sexual or severe physical abuse and their families receiving therapy through the Nashville Children’s Alliance (NCA), since 2005. Additionally, this year more than 67 stuffed animals and cozy comfort toys were donated and delivered to NCA.

Follow us on Facebook: Assistance League of Nashville and Instagram: assistanceleaguenashville
Visit our website: www.assistanceleague.org/nashville/

Assistance League of Nashville
P.O. Box 653 Brentwood, TN 37024-0653

Transforming Lives • Strengthening Community

June 2024

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