Assistance League of Newport Mesa’s Operation School Bell provides school clothing to local students

Each year, the Assistance League (AL) of Newport Mesa’s Operation School Bell program provides new school clothing to more than 1,000 Newport-Mesa Unified School District (NMUSD) elementary students. At a clothing distribution event last week, Susan Brown, Assistance League volunteer member since 2020, welcomed a mother of three NMUSD students. Before selecting their items, the mother asked Brown, “Can you please tell me how much this is going to cost?”

The family was overwhelmed to learn that the three children were receiving all the items at no charge. At an estimated cost of $65 per child, Operation School Bell provided the family with $195 worth of needed clothes and supplies.

“We are fortunate to have a team of teen and adult volunteers who give their time to transform the donations we receive from the community into school clothes for students in our school district,” said Brown, a Newport Beach resident. “These volunteers put in countless hours at the thrift store preparing donations for sale and we use the money from the sales along with monetary donations to buy school clothes for students in NMUSD.”

The Assistance League of Newport Mesa (ALNM) and its dedicated volunteer members have a proud, 80-year history of quietly and respectfully helping local families through its philanthropic programs. In addition to Operation School Bell, ALNM’s community outreach includes scholarships for graduating high school seniors, educational programming with “The Kids on the Block” life-size puppets, and low-cost dental and orthodontic services at their Cheri Harris Dental Center.

The AL Thrift Shop relies on donations of new and gently used merchandise as well as dedicated volunteers that share their values.

The Assistance League looks forward to reaching more and more students and families each year. They enthusiastically welcome new volunteers as well as new sources of philanthropic support. If you are interested in donating, volunteering, or arranging a clothing drive at your school or place of business, email

To learn more, contact ALNM headquarters at 949.645.6929 or visit their website at