2,000 and counting!

As of March 7, 2,001 students (and counting!) in Seattle Public Schools have received clothing through Operation School Bell® this school year! This is nearly double the number of students served in the 2015-2016 school year, thanks to the dedication of our amazing volunteers, and we still have 2.5 months to go! Here is the breakdown of how the clothes have been distributed:

Total Kids Clothed at Homeless Shelters: 429
Total Bags Delivered to Schools through Ambassador Program: 791
Total Kids Transported to OSB by Family Support Workers: 403
Total Bags Delivered to Schools by Family Support Workers: 378

Grand total: 2,001 students!

Each student receives a backpack, warm coat, hat and gloves, shirts, pants, socks, underwear, and a $25 voucher to Payless Shoe Source. Will you help us clothe more kids by May 31? Donate here today.