“This is the best job you’ll never be paid for!”

Once we are free of COVID’s restrictions, our membership will be open to both women and men who have the time and passion to volunteer.  Our programs are tailored to the needs of our community, but they also provide the perfect venue for our members’ interests and abilities.

We have several groups that play bridge, Bunco, Canasta, and pinochle.  Our crafting group has great fun with their projects.  Some of us have monthly dinner and movie nights, and a few go traveling together.

We also have members who are still working full time, or are enrolled in college classes, who join our  Community Volunteers, which allows people to volunteer their time and talents without becoming full fledged members..

  Kids on the Block crew member Sally C. leads the audience in the song “Kids are Different” while the puppets sing along.

Some of our Members Working and Having Fun

OSB P. Sadek & Moncerath 3-14Peggy S. and a proud little girl with her pink tennis shoes.


Pat P. in our Operation School Bell building helping a young girl with new clothes.