Operation School Bell Program Clothes 2276 Students in October
Assistance League of Bellingham’s philanthropic program, OPERATION SCHOOL BELL®, clothed 2276 Whatcom County students in October. Nine clothing times were offered to qualifying K-12 students in the eight school…
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Isabel Ferris Attends Japan Seattle Suzuki Institute
As a participant in Assistance League’s ENRICHMENT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM, Isabel Ferris had a memorable summer camp…
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Enrichment Scholarship Program Requirements
Assistance League of Bellingham offers Summer Enrichment Scholarship opportunities to Whatcom County students who are currently enrolled in grades 6-11 in a public school (or are home-schooled with a public…
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Scoring Enrichment Scholarship Applications
Each Enrichment Scholarship Program application is reviewed, evaluated and scored by at least two committee members, sometimes three. The scoring rubric consists of a total of 60 points divided into…
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2018-2019 Operation School Bell Year a Great Success!
At our regular Assistance League meeting, Operation School Bell® chair, Joani Carrington, expressed appreciation to the member volunteers for helping clothe K-12 students at Target. She happily reported, “We…
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Chapter Facts
Since it became a guild in 1977, then a chapter in 1982, Assistance League of Bellingham has served more than 40,000 residents in our community. It has done so by…
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Target Honored with National Operation School Award
Target was presented with the National Operation School Award at our recent fashion show, “Struttin’ Into Spring”. Target has been partnering with Assistance League of Bellingham for the past…
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