Literacy Programs



Northern Virginia – Assistance League continues to serve with their ‘HUGS’

Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, our chapter was able to have a banner year and touched the lives of thousands of local children and their families. With schools closed, we suspended our Weekend Food for Kids program, and instead provided a total of 4,834 $20 grocery gift cards to needy families at 6 area [...]



Fresno – Assistance League donates more than 2,700 summer packages

Assistance League donates more than 2,700 comprehensive summer reading and learning book packages to five elementary schools. Helping at King Elementary school’s summer reading program



Montgomery County – Assistance League continues serving throughout the summer

Molly Parkhill with her Reading Buddy Operation School Bell committee members are each asked to become a School Coordinator with one of the campuses that we serve with our clothing assistance. Once a relationship is built between the school counselor and the AL School Coordinator., we are sometimes asked to assist with other needs that [...]



Northern Virginia – Assistance League Team hosted a very successful Hugs Pillows workshop

Last week, our Philanthropy Team hosted a very successful Hugs Pillows workshop and luncheon. In just one hour, 18 volunteers assembled 300 Hugs packages that included hand-made colorful, heart-shaped pillows packed with small stuffed animals, stickers, activity books & crayons. Some of the pillows were slated for two elementary schools and some for a pediatric [...]


Rancho San Dieguito – Assistance League donates more than 300 books

Assistance League Rancho San Dieguito recently donated more than 300 books to Solana Beach Head Start, the Ada Harris Elementary School library in the Cardiff School District and Skyline Elementary to be sent home with the students in the Solana Beach School District. The roughly $3,000 worth of books were donated by Assistance League members [...]



Sierra Foothills – Operation School Bell® helps local students with clothing needs and books

To help children with new school clothes, volunteers from Assistance League Sierra Foothills visit South Lake Tahoe each Fall to take local children shopping. On the big day, the chosen students get a shopping voucher for $70 if in grades K-5, and $100 in middle school and hit the aisles for school-related clothing including shoes, [...]