Orange – Begins “Handle With Care”

The welfare of the tiniest new residents of Orange is important to Assistance League of Orange. Over the past few months our chapter has reconfigured a program called “Handle With Care” which now provides a new diaper bag and essentials (example…onesies, diapers, blanket, soft cuddle toy, book, and more) to go home with premature babies when they are discharged from UCI Neonatal Center in Orange, CA.   Not only has this program touched the hearts of the parents receiving the bags, but it has created a passion within our Chapter to start knitting and crocheting preemie caps and blankets for these tiny babies who are fighting for their lives while receiving the loving care of the UCI staff. The Nurse Case Manager at UCI determines which patients have the greatest need for our donation.

We’ve scheduled evening get-togethers for members called “Night Caps” where members who know how to knit or crochet show others how, and darling preemie caps are produced. Some of our members have expanded into making blankets. The need for these diaper bags is greater than we currently have budgeted, but we have extra blankets and caps to give to many in the unit. Our hope is to involve more of the community in this philanthropic effort by securing in kind donations for the program as we expand it.

UCI has been very appreciative and allowed us to tour the unit and meet some of the doctors and nurses involved in preemie care.  We also met a 2-lb. baby boy named “Jacob,” who was the first recipient of our diaper bag program. Jacob’s story is amazing and instantly pulls the heart strings. Jacob was born early due to his mother’s illness (she is not expected to live). His father has two more children at home, plus being there for his wife and Jacob and holding down a job. Jacob has never been with his mother but the hospital has a “Scent Program” where the bag with the mother’s scent is given to the baby and the scent of the baby is given to the mother.  We overheard them talking about this for Jacob as we were visiting.

A handwritten note is included with our diaper bag wishing each family the best and asking that they keep in touch with us, as we want to see how these little ones progress. We will make a difference at UCI in the following years as this program grows like the beautiful little preemies it helps.

Submitted By

Norma Hockensmith  2nd VP Philanthropic Programs Chairman, Assistance League  of Orange

Rosemary Gaudioso, Chairman of Handle With Care Program

Catherine Rose, Public Relations Chair