Pomona Valley – Golf Tournament

Pomona Valley – Golf Tournament

Assistance League® of Pomona Valley (ALPV) held their 23rd Annual Smile with a Child Golf Tournament, at Red Hill Country Club, a private championship golf course in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. One hundred forty-four golfers supported by the Oremor Automotive Group, and many of their vendors spent an amazing day of golfing, camaraderie, and competitiveness amongst the various dealerships and many of the companies that support them.

ALPV provides a variety of services that assist underprivileged children and families in our local communities. The following programs are provided and expanding through the generous support of our golf tournament and other fundraising events. Operation School Bell® (OSB) provides new clothing and necessities to school-aged children and their families, as well as the collection of gently used baby clothes to help families with infants. OSB provides books to children and additionally offers books to families utilizing our Dental Center. Our Dental Center helps low-income families by providing general dentistry to patients as young as one year-old, including the oldest, a senior of 93 years. ALPV also offers Assault Survivor Kits® consisting toiletries and other items that are provided to women and children of assault. These items are assembled by members of ALPV and distributed by Project Sister.

In addition to the tournament, the golfers whom arrive around 9:00 a.m. and depart after 7:00 p.m. when closing ceremonies conclude, partake in breakfast, lunch, and dinner, which is unique to very few tournaments.

To keep things competitive, prizes are offered at various holes, including gift certificates for the closest to the hole, and brand new all-electric SUV’s for a hole-in-one on each of two of the tees underwritten by Thaxton & Associates. Unfortunately, no-one had the accuracy to win the vehicles.

Golfers also have the opportunity to win door prizes of many exclusive gift baskets, along with participating in a live auction.  ALPV would not be able to offer the amazing items if not for the generous support of our communities, and the support and hard work of our Chapter members.

After dinner, desserts, and an onsite ice cream truck for the participants to partake in, golfer, and sponsor Mark Akin of Norwalk Auto Auction, offered his auctioneering skills, which motivated the competitive bidding for the premier gift packages. Mark’s auctioneering skills made for an entertaining evening and for a lucrative result for charity.

Months and long weeks of preparation are spent by ALPV’s golf committee chairpersons Laura R., René S., and Cathy R., who exhaustively secure the participants and plan the annual event. The tournament has a 90% rate of returning sponsors thanks to their efforts.

“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”  (Coretta Scott King)