Rancho San Dieguito – Installs New Board of Directors

rsd board

Assistance League Rancho San Dieguito held their annual June Luncheon and Installation of Officers on June 15th. New Board Members as pictures left to right: Mitzi Lobelson (Hospitality/Social Chair), Judy Zinger-Weiss (Marketing Chair), Judy White (Recording Secretary), Jan McEachern (Assisteens® Coordinator), Cheryl Mallory (Parliamentarian/Bylaws), Roberta Waterman (President), Loie Pinch (Corresponding Secretary), Claudette Chaisson (Fourth VP Thrift Shop), Brenda Seitz (Treasurer), Pat Talman (Second VP Philanthropic Programs). Not pictured: Stella Ramos (First VP Membership) and Gail Sachs (Strategic Planning and Education).