Santa Clarita – Assistance League Resale Makes a Difference!

A New Back to School Experience

by  | Sep 26, 2018 | Community

 As summer days wind down, many families are thinking about back to school needs. For most, these are clothes, shoes, backpacks, paper and pencils and other backpack fillers.

The anticipated beginning of this school year brought me a new challenge and experience. My 18-year-old twin grandsons, who live in another state, were coming to Los Angeles to attend college. Rather than being new freshmen occupying a dorm room with a meal-pass, they would have an apartment with a kitchen. That kitchen needed to be equipped, and the twins would have to cook.
My daughter-in-law contacted me, and together our kitchens yielded a few necessities, but many more items were needed. College is expensive, and to equip a kitchen would make it more so. So, off I went to Assistance League Resale, and I was not disappointed. The twins’ kitchen now has mixing bowls, a very nice frying pan, a few pots and pans, a cutting board, a small electric grill, dishes, silverware and several necessary cooking utensils. When I received my total for my purchases I was surprised, but not by how high it was, but rather, how low. Now my grandsons just must learn how to cook!

Once again, I learned that Assistance League Resale should always be a first place to shop for necessities. You may find exactly what you are looking for, and the price will make you happy.
All the proceeds of Assistance League Resale stay in the Santa Clarita community helping to fund philanthropic programs which benefit families and individuals. The store is located at 24364 Main Street in Old Town Newhall.

Foe more information, visit our website
