Kansas City – Holiday Preview Sales Exceed Expectations

kc christmas 1Santakc christmas 2 and all his Assistance League of Kansas City elves have been quite busy!  Enlisting the help of husbands, Assisteens® and many dedicated members, Assistance League of Kansas City’s thrift store, The ReSale Shop is magically transformed into a Christmas Wonderland.  It takes many days and many more elves to move all the non-Christmas items off the shelves and to bring down the boxes and boxes of holiday treasures that have been collected throughout the year in anticipation of the annual Holiday Preview.

On the evening of November 2, 2015, at precisely 5:00 pm the doors were opened to the patiently waiting line of customers who had been gathering since mid-afternoon.  The next two hours flew by quickly, with the registers busy ringing up the sales and merchandise flying off the shelves.  At the end of the evening, the final tally tells the success, $4,717.62 and 146 customers that night.  The next three days were equally busy with $3,000+ sales each day and an astounding total for the week of over $20,000!

Knowing that the proceeds from this event support our philanthropic programs makes all the hard work worthwhile.  Once again, the members of Assistance League of Kansas City bring to life their vision statement.