Pats on the Back

Assistance League of the Chesapeake

Ask any volunteer why they give so much time to causes that interest them, and they will tell you that they want to make a difference, and that they get more out of volunteering than they put into it.

At Assistance League® of the Chesapeake, we have the added benefit of working well as a team and acknowledging each other’s accomplishments. We have a special program called “Pats on the Back” that we use to draw attention to what our members do for each other and to thank them. Pats on the Back are yellow construction paper “hands” on which the giver writes what they are thanking their fellow member for.

At a recent meeting, members received “Pats on the Back” for helping with our new donor database, for helping with tutoring at one of our partner schools, and for helping with measuring students for uniforms in our Kids in Need program. This public recognition is always warmly received.

We would work as hard as we do, of course, even without the recognition. But, these “Pats on the Back” are one of the reasons Assistance League is so special.

Assistance League® of the Chesapeake is a nonprofit volunteer organization dedicated to improving the lives of children and adults through community-based philanthropic programs.