Operation School Bell

This signature program of all Assistance League chapters aims to provide appropriate assistance to enhance self-esteem, promote learning and encourage regular school attendance. In 2023-2024, our chapter served more than 8,500 students through two Operation School Bell programs:

Kids In Need (KIN)

Did You Know? Your donation of $70 will purchase a uniform for one child.

Support Kids In Need

In 2023-24 Assistance League of the Chesapeake provided over 3,100 new school uniforms to students in six Title I elementary schools and one middle school in Anne Arundel County. We are on target to provide to exceed that number in 2024-25. Since 2003, we have provided close to 30,000 uniforms to in-need students in our county.

Assistance League Kids In Need Uniform Measuring

The uniform package consists of a navy blue shirt, khaki pants, navy blue crew neck sweatshirt, socks and underwear. Most students receive one uniform set and some receive two, depending on their need.

Project Literacy

Our volunteers help students learn language arts by reading to them weekly in the schools’ libraries. They also work in classrooms, sponsor literacy-based enrichment programs, donate books to students, and organize several enrichment activities that promote positive behaviors for an effective learning environment.

In 2023-2024, the program reached close to 4,000 students.

Project Literacy

Assistance League makes sure every child in the schools we serve receives a book of their own to take home and share with their families.

Did You Know? Your donation of $80 can provide books for an entire classroom.

Donate Now

Members take inventory of the items that make up the uniform package at the end of a successful school year.

“Early in the Kids In Need program, we would hand the children each packaged item and ask them to open it. This one little guy tightly wrapped his tiny arms in an “X” around his shirt that was still in the plastic bag and kept saying ‘I can’t open this now, I have to show my mom this! I have to show my Mom this. This is something new, just for me and nobody has ever worn this before.’ I suddenly realized, that he had never had new clothing before. I turned to our chapter president and whispered, ‘We are putting this unopened shirt in his book bag. He can wear a second one home.’ ”

M. Kelly, AL Chesapeake member since 2005

Kids On The Block Educational Puppet Troupe

Our volunteers and their life-size puppets visit elementary school classrooms throughout the county to talk with students about cultural differences, bullying, and learning differences. The targeted scripts help children accept individual differences and learn valuable social skills. This year, we distributed a video of the KOTB performance. We come to the schools, show the video, and then our puppets visit with the students, who come to identify with the puppets and open up to them as if they were trusted friends.

Our puppet troupe visits about 13 schools each year, from October through April. Members donate over 800 volunteer hours per year in this program.

Kids On The Block puppets teach children:

  • What constitutes bullying
  • Problem-solving techniques
  • How to get help from adults
  • How to accept differences and similarities among their peers
  • How to reject unacceptable bullying behavior

Students are encouraged to accept physical, social, medical, and cultural differences, and are empowered to tell an adult about any perceived bullying.

“Dear Puppeteers,
Thank you for the puppet show. It made me feel that being different is good. Now I am so so grateful by how I look. And what my language is.” — Student at Piney Orchard


Kids on the Block Thank You!

Kids On The Block puppets by Assistance League of the Chesapeake

Meet our Puppets

Eddie is being bullied by a nasty boy in school, but learns to deal with the boy in a positive way, thanks to his friend Claire.

Claire is smart, kind, and wise beyond her years. She counsels Eddie to do positive things when being bullied: tell a teacher, stand by a friend who is being bullied, and work together to raise awareness of the problem.

Jennifer is a rough and ready little girl with a learning difference. She can sing, dance, and play soccer. She gets straight A’s in math, but has an issue with reading and writing.

Brenda is a little overweight but very sensitive to being bullied about how she looks. Jennifer helps her learn to ignore the bad remarks and like how she is.

Melody is a smart and sassy girl who does well in school and offers to help Jennifer with her school work.

Showers of Love Baby Shower

Through this special “baby shower,” members of Assistance League contribute items for expectant mothers in the county.

Members gather once a year for lunch where they drop off items from a list of needed supplies for the young mothers who are most in need of a little extra help.

Sing-Alongs and Greeting Cards

Our interactive Sing-Along program allows senior citizens in assisted living and nursing home residences to enjoy the songs they remember from their youth. Assistance League members provide the music, song sheets, encouragement and companionship.

We also provide hundreds of greeting cards at major holidays to residents at local assisted living and nursing home residences. These cards reach seniors who don’t often get visitors or mail.

“I participate in the sing-alongs at nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Often some of the attendees can hardly sit straight in a chair, but we see their lips moving to the songs and we realize that maybe we’ve brought a little joy into their lives that day.”

— M. Smith, Assistance League member since 2005

Assistance League of the Chesapeake Sing-Along
