The Price is Right! Or, the Value of an Assistance League Volunteer Hour

Assistance League of the Chesapeake

We had a terrific regular meeting last week. Michele led us in a special “sparkler” to illustrate the value of our volunteer hours. That number, $112,434.31, was revealed in our own special version of “The Price is Right” with Caroline and Vicki “coming on down” to put numbers in the correct dollar order. Thanks to everyone who participated — and who are now even more motivated to report their monthly hours to Mary.

I am reminded daily of how often the work in one area overlaps another. Marketing communications assists resource development, which helps support our wonderful programs. Hours spent spreading the word about Assistance League pay back in dividends when we ask for grants and when we ask non-members for donations — and also for member recruitment. Singers, tutors and KIN participants wear our t-shirts so others identify the work we do with Assistance League.

We all show our support in many ways, and no part of what we do could exist without all the other parts — whether behind the scenes or participating in our programs measuring students, tutoring, singing, puppeteering or contributing to Stork’s Nest.

It may seem like we are always asking for money, which can distract from the important and amazing things we do. But I guess that’s what makes the wheels turn.

Thank you to all our supporters for doing what it takes to make such a difference to our community and for making our work possible!