“Caring and Commitment in Action
through community-based philanthropic programs”
Assisteens are made up of young high school students who volunteer at least 40 hours each year in service to Assistance League and the community of Downey. The Assisteens support our local chapter in various ways. They purchase and wrap Christmas gifts as part of Christmas Distribution, which are distributed to organizations such as nursing homes and shelters. They also purchase and package items to make Hygiene Kits for the children they assist in support of Operation School Bell® each year.
In addition, they attend the Celebrate the Seasons each year where they help in numerous ways. The Assisteens staff the Second Tyme Around Thrift Shoppe once a month, and contribute to Housing of Medical Emergencies (H.O.M.E.) with seasonal gifts.
Assisteens Board members prepare and conduct their meetings and committee chairmen work with their committees to implement the many programs. Participation and attendance at meetings are very important. Another important part of Assisteens is the training that members receive through public speaking while learning organizational skills and time management. They learn appropriate social graces, manners, and dress. They learn the importance of being on time, responding to invitations and sending thank you notes.
The Assisteens learn much about their community and themselves as they dedicate their time to these activities, and in many cases, they continue this interest in philanthropic work when they leave high school.
With funds from chapter and Assisteens, they purchase and wrap holiday gifts for distribution to senior and convalescent centers and they assemble a knapsack of special items that include journals, sketch pads, school notebooks filled with the necessities for school, hygiene kits and more for teens that have been abruptly brought to shelters.
Assisteens assist the children in receiving school clothing and they provide each child with a gift of a hygiene kit at the end of their shopping experience.
This program is required of all Junior and Senior Assisteens. On this day they will spend over five hours learning interviewing skills, organizational skills, etiquette, self-defense, and much more.
Each year the Assisteens of Downey prepare for their biggest event: The Spring Tea and Fashion Show. This event is not only fun but also one of our most prosperous fundraisers. The money raised goes directly to funding their philanthropic programs.
The Spring Tea and Fashion Show is also the time to showcase the Senior Assisteens in their tuxes and gowns from the Iridescent Ball and to introduce and welcome their newest members to Assisteens.
The Assisteens help plan and host this event from choosing the theme, designing the invitations, and serving their guests. The Tea helps the Assisteens learn how to prepare for such a major event.
As part of their required volunteer hours, Assisteens staff the thrift shop 2-3 times each month, however, each Assisteens member is required to work one Saturday annually for four hours. Assisteens will assist customers, ring up sales, help with inventory and occasionally shop for themselves.
Our Assisteens in Action
Assisteens® Auxiliary shall function under the provisions stated in National Assistance League® chapter bylaws and Assisteens Policies.
A total of forty hours of Assistance League and community service shall be required from each Active and Provisional member, through the Assisteens Auxiliary, each year. A 10th-grade Provisional member will be required to do four years of hours in three years, totaling 160 hours. Regular attendance is required at auxiliary meetings. If a member is going to be absent, they must notify a coordinator. Regular Assisteens Auxiliary meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. on the first Monday of each month during the school year at the Chapter House. Board meetings are held 45 minutes prior to scheduled meeting time.
Following an absence, a member must fulfill an hour’s requirement equal to that of the required activity that he/she has missed.
After two unexcused absences, a member MUST write a note of explanation to the coordinator. After three unexcused absences, they will be put on probation for three months. After that time their eligibility will be reviewed by the Membership Committee and Chapter Auxiliary Relations (CAR).
Each Active and Provisional member shall be required to work four hours one Saturday each year in the chapter’s Thrift Shop, three hours at Garden Day each year, and support the Tea. Each Active and Provisional member shall be required to work four hours at the Christmas Distribution, and five hours at the Spring Tea each year. Each Active and Provisional member shall be required to work 2 hours at the Chapter’s Home Tour. Each Active and Provisional member shall be required to spend one hour at Rancho Los Amigos for Christmas Caroling.
Each Junior and Senior shall attend Self-Improvement Day both the years as mandated by the National Assistance League. They will be required to receive 10 hours of self-improvement to graduate.