A 20th anniversary is a wonderful occasion for a celebration, and we are proud to continue celebrating our many years of service with our monthly wish lists.  In May our wish list focuses on basic food items to help low-income families with limited resources. Weekend Food for Kids has been a key program since 2010.  However, food bags are not distributed during the summer months when schools are closed, and students might miss out on meal programs and snacks provided by the schools.  Your generosity can make a huge difference in helping families provide the food needed to keep their children healthy, energetic, and growing over the summer. Please join us in helping feed students by donating food staples.

Use this link https://tiny.alnv.org/FoodForFamilies  to make your selection or scan the QR code on the flyer.  Please select Assistance League of Northern Virginia as the shipping address to ensure prompt delivery.

We greatly appreciate the wonderful community response to our ongoing wish lists.  One of our repeat donors said:  “It is fun to order this way.”   We extend a heartfelt Thank You to everyone who has contributed so far.  Your support is very gratifying.  Many contributions have come from anonymous donors so we can’t send individual Thank-You notes, but rest assured that we are very grateful for your support.


For more information about our chapter and to see other wish list options, visit www.alnv.org.