Interested in donating your time?

Join the nearly 200 women and men who volunteer with Assistance League in the Orange Chapter group. Choose from over 15 philanthropic programs and committees based on your interests and skills. Make a difference in your community by sharing your enthusiasm and extending a helping hand to others while making new friendships along the way.


  1. The satisfaction you will feel by making a profound difference in the life of someone you’ve never met
  2. Be a member of a team who believes its contributions can help make its community a better place
  3. Make friendships that will last a lifetime
  4. Develop new skills and talents
  5. Remember – a single drop of hope can create waves of change

Membership Levels and Expectations

  • Attend meetings virtually or in person
  • Work one shift per month at the Thrift Shop
  • Support the philanthropic programs and fundraising activities of the chapter
  • Pay annual dues of $100
  • Same as Active members, but only work six shifts per year in Thrift
  • Must be employed full or parttime, OR be a caregiver, a parent of young children or a parent of an Assisteens® member.

For Questions contact:

Dressing Children in Operation Shcool Bell

Assisting Customers in Thrift Shop

Attending Annual Fundraiser

Membership Inquiry Form

This form is accepted throughout the year.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.