Phoenix – Receives Kudos on Birthday Books

Our hardworking birthday book committee received this thank you.  We know how valuable the program is but it is certainly great to receive this affirmation.

Dear Linda,

Since I’ve been the librarian at Griffith Elementary School, I’ve been in charge of the Birthday Book Corner. Every year about 700 students have received a book of his/her very own during his/her birthday month. I have truly loved everything about this literacy project. It’s “True” some of our students don’t own any or very few books to call their own at home. Year after year, I’ve had numerous questions from students such as: When do I have to return this book? Do I get to take this book home? Is this book really mine to keep at my house? Is this mine to keep forever? Do I have to pay for this book? Who is giving this to me for free? Additionally, I hear comments like: That’s very nice of someone to do this for me. I will read this book with my little sister, I’m a good reader and she’s just learning, I want you tell the people who bought these for me thank you so much.

I can say, without hesitation, that the Assistance League’s Birthday Book Corner Program has made a difference in thousands of students’ lives and I truly appreciate all that they do for Griffith Elementary School and its students. I wish to send a BIG thank you to all the people involved in making this wonderful program possible for us each year. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Lisa Krebs
Griffith’s Librarian