Santa Barbara – Assistance League Bakes 1200 Cookies for Food From the Heart

“It’s in the bag,” said 25 members of the Assistance League of Santa Barbara as they baked, bagged and delivered 1200 cookies to the local non-profit Food From The Heart. The cookies will be added to their much-needed meals brought to those in our community who are dealing with major illnesses, surgeries, or failing health and cannot take care of themselves.
The Assistance League’s Friendship Luncheon philanthropy has taken on a different look this year, as the pandemic has restricted social gatherings. Instead of providing home-cooked lunch and entertainment for senior citizens at the chapter house, they are providing home-baked cookies, as well as the hams for the Food From the Heart December holiday meals.
The cookies were brought to the Assistance League chapter house and the volunteers got right to work. “The home-baked cookies were divided into 170 bags with seven different cookies in each bag,” said Sydney Tredick, committee chair. “There were many kinds of delectable cookies, from chocolate chip to rolled, dropped, sliced and bars.”
In addition to their donations to Food From the Heart, Assistance League members provided 125 mini boxes of Sees truffle candies to Meals on Wheels of Santa Barbara to add to their meal deliveries to the homebound in our community.
Along with its auxiliaries, Las Aletas and Assisteens, the Assistance League of Santa Barbara’s 350 members volunteer over 50,000 hours a year to improve the lives of residents in our community.