Each year just before the school year starts, Assistance League of Laguna Beach members join representatives of six other area Assistance Leagues to participate in Operation School Bell® – Chapters for Children. The two-day event is held at the Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base, and it is open to school-age children from Military Families. More than 2,000 children are provided for each year.
Operation School Bell® - Chapters for Children
Back to School

Assistance League of Laguna Beach joins representatives of six other area assistance leagues to facilitate Chapters for Children – Back to School.

Because of the pandemic, Chapters for Children – Back to School has been a “drive-through” for the past two years.

Chapters for Children – Back to School focuses on getting children from pre-school through high school outfitted for school. Assistance League of Laguna Beach gives a shoe voucher to each school-age child, and every child who attends the event gets to choose a stuffed bulldog, the Marine Corps mascot. Other participating Assistance Leagues provide each school-age child with a hygiene kit, socks, underwear, two pairs of levies, two shirts and a sweatshirt. The items are new and are provided at no cost to Military Families.
Diaper Day
Assistance League of Laguna Beach, along with other area Assistance Leagues participates in Chapters for Children – Diaper Day at Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base twice a year. On Diaper Day, military families receive new clothing and supplies for their babies and toddlers. Assistance League of Laguna Beach provides diapers, and at the most recent event, we distributed 400 cases of diapers.

Marines help us unload the truck full of cases of diapers and baby wipes.

Our booth is all set up – cases of diapers unpacked and arranged according to size.

Mommy’s little helper lugs baby supplies as they get ready to pick up diapers for the expected baby.

Military families pick up supplies for their babies and toddlers including cases of diapers.