Volunteer Opportunities for Teens
As a member of Assisteens, you will develop a strong sense of community responsibility and self-reliance as you work with your group to help others. Goals of participation are to develop personal responsibility, public speaking and leadership skills.
Why Join?
Make a difference in your community
Earn community service hours
Add valuable experience to college applications and resumes
Make new friends with teens who share your interests
Learn leadership and teamwork skills
Plan and execute fundraising opportunities for your philanthropic projects

Assisteen Membership Information Packet Check List
Remember to:
- Complete, sign, and date Assisteens Member Information Form
- Complete Assisteen Membership Profile
- Read, sign, and date Obligations of Membership and Code of Conduct
- Read, sign and date Membership Agreement
- Read, sign, and date Parent/Guardian Responsibilities for
- Participation in Assisteens
- Read, sign and date Release of Liability Agreement
- Complete, sign, and date Consent for Emergency Medical or Dental Treatment
- Complete, sign and date Consent for Photo Releases
- Provide a copy of the Assisteens; CA Driver license and proof of auto insurance
- With the packet, submit your dues payment check in the amount of $30.00 made payable to Assistance League® of North Coast with noted “Dues for teen’s name” on memo line
- With the packet, submit your Assisteens t-shirt fee for all new members
Meetings will be held at the Assistance League® of North Coast Chapter House locate at;
1816 Oceanside Blvd. Suite F, Oceanside, CA 92054 in the Frazier Farms Shopping Center.
Completed packets may be mailed to:
Assisteen Coordinators
1816 Oceanside Blvd. Suite F, Oceanside, CA 92054
If you need more information or have questions, please email: assisteens@alnc.org