Assistance League of Covina Valley is fortunate to receive much-needed financial support for its philanthropic programs. Through our Operation Shcool Bell, Learning Center, and other outreach programs we seek to improve the quality of life and provide an opportunity for a more positive future for children and their families in our communities. We wish to acknowledge and thank the following organizations and foundations for generously supporting our chapter during the past two years:

Ludwig Family Foundation Board awarded the Assistance League of Covina Valley a grant of $73,400 to be used for an all electric van and a charging station

City of West Covina/Community Development Block Grant. Each year we apply for a grant with the City of West Covina for Operation School Bell.. West Covina has awarded funds for the last 6 years to provide school clothing to underserved children and young people.
Our deepest gratitude to those who continually support our annual fundraising events which help to finance our philanthropic programs:
Aerotec Alloys
Azo Vino Gift Gallery and Wine Tasting
C&D Bonding & Insurance Services, Inc.
Foothill Transit
Imperial Capital, LLC
Paveco Construction, Inc.
Rogers, Clem & Company
SCS Carpet One-Floor and Home
Sierra Investment Partners, Inc.
Suburban Water Company
The Eldon Long Family Trust
The McIntyre Company, Inc.
Transdev Company