Operation School Bell® provides school clothing for elementary and middle school children.
Fall Shopping Event
- Each Fall, Operation School Bell®provides clothing vouchers to children in the Elementary and Middle School of the 4J and Bethel School Districts.
- The voucher program allows for families to shop at their own convenience and privacy at two Fred Meyer stores.
- The children are identified by their school counselors or nurses as being in financial need and their names are forwarded to Operation School Bell® .
- If you, or someone you know needs help in purchasing school clothes, please contact your child’s school counselor for further information.
McKinney /Vento and The Serbu Campus of Lane Juvenile Justice Center
- Operation School Bell® provides requested clothing and shoes to children in 4J and Bethel who are served by the Federal McKinney/Vento program supporting homeless families and to children incarcerated at the SERBU Campus of the Lane Juvenile Justice Center.