Assistance League® of San Antonio is fortunate to have an active and growing membership from which to select its Board of Directors.  Your voice is very important to the committee, for the committee represents you, the membership.  Your input and recommendations of fellow members are the starting point for committee consideration.  The Nominating Committee meets to prepare a slate of candidates to present to the membership. Your assistance in this process, by recommending members to be considered for next year’s Board of Directors, is vital to our future.

The elected offices to be filled are listed below with a brief description of duties.  Refer to Bylaws ARTICLE 6 (page 124 of your directory) and ARTICLE 8 (page 129 of your directory) for complete job descriptions.  Bylaws ARTICLE 4.05 states, “Members of the Board shall hold office for a term of one (1) year or until their successors are elected and assume office.  They shall assume office at the close of the annual meeting in May.  No member shall be eligible to serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.  A third year of service can by recommended by the Nominating Committee.”  The Bylaws do not exclude past presidents from being recommended.  Self-recommendation is permitted; letters of reference will still apply.

Once you have selected a candidate to recommend, please confirm with them as to their interest and willingness to serve.  Please use the space provided on this form to record the member you are recommending to include a description of committees the recommended member has chaired or served on, programs in which she/he has worked, knowledge and experience the recommended member has of Assistance League and other organizations, associations, and businesses. If you choose to submit a second sheet, instructions are below.

Submit your recommendation below in the blank space.

Recommendations must be received no later than February 22, 2024.  You may submit your recommendations by:

  • Completing the application form on the website (log in not required).
  • Mail your recommendation form and letters of recommendation to Assistance League of San Antonio, ATTN: Cherie Kassinger, Nominating Committee Chair, P.O. Box 13130, San Antonio, TX 78213-0130. Be certain to allow 5-7 days to be received no later than February 22, 2024.
  • Place your recommendation form and letters of recommendation in a sealed envelope addressed to Cherie Kassinger, Nominating Committee Chair, and put them in the lockbox marked Board Recommendations on the table opposite the lockers at the Chapter House, no later than February 22, 2024.
  • Submit your recommendations and letters of recommendation in a sealed envelope to Cherie Kassinger at the Business Meeting on February 22, 2024.

Your participation in this selection process is your voice in the nominating process and in the continued success of this chapter.  Complete job descriptions and blank recommendation forms may be found in a notebook in the workroom.

Cherie Kassinger
Nominating Committee Chair

PRESIDENT-ELECT will be in training to assume the office of President the year following her term as President-Elect. He/She will be a delegate to the National Conference.
VICE PRESIDENT PROGRAMS will be chair of the Programs Committee and will appoint all program chairs. He/She will be a delegate to the National Conference.
VICE PRESIDENT RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT will be chair of the Resource Development Committee and will appoint all fundraising subcommittee chairs. He/She will be a delegate to the National Conference.
VICE PRESIDENT MEMBERSHIP will be chair of the Membership Committee and will appoint all membership subcommittee chairs. He/She will receive resignations, applications for Leaves of Absence and applications for change of membership classification. He/She is the 1st alternate to the National Conference.
VICE PRESIDENT MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS will be chair of the Marketing Communications Committee and will appoint all marketing communications subcommittee chairs. He/She is the 2nd alternate to the National Conference.
RECORDING SECRETARY will record the minutes of the meetings of the Board and membership. He/She is authorized to sign checks and will sign all legal documents with the President
TREASURER will be the Chief Financial Officer of the corporation.
BYLAWS will chair the Bylaws Committee that prepares amendments to the bylaws and standing rules for adoption by the membership. He/She is the 3rd alternate to the National Conference.
STRATEGIC PLANNING CHAIR will chair the Strategic Planning Committee that researches and develops long-range goals for chapter approval. He/She is the 4th alternate to the National Conference.
FINANCE CHAIR will chair the Finance and Investment Committees. He/She is the 5th alternate to the National Conference.
Name (Serves as your signature)
If you have written recommendations to attach, please email them to Cherie Kassinger,