Holiday Gifts for Readers Are Leaders
Barnes & Noble collected 815 books from customers who chose to donate to Readers Are Leaders after their purchases in December. Thank you for such a wonderful holiday gift…
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Holiday Shopping & Wrapping at Family Supportive Housing
Our AL of San Jose members helped 20-25 children living at Family Supportive Housing select gifts for their families. We wrapped about 120 gifts from the children’s selections. It…
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Wrapping Gifts with CityTeam
CityTeam San Jose has provided donated gifts for children in low income areas at two pop-up sites. After the children selected their gifts, our ALSJ volunteers cheerfully wrapped their…
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Holiday Crafts at Family Supportive Housing
Our creative AL of SJ members spent quality time with the children living at the Family Supportive Housing Shelter. Together they made beautiful holiday crafts to decorate their homes….
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AL of San Jose’s Holiday Social
Our Holiday Social was a resounding success — kudos to our Social Committee! The ladies of Assistance League participated in a spectacular afternoon enjoying the company of one another….
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AL of San Jose Hug-a-Bears – New Partnership with American Red Cross Silicon Valley
AL of San Jose provides huggable bears for distribution to families in crisis through various community agencies and shelters. Thanks to a member of our organization, who is also…
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Welcome to our team!
We are always excited to welcome new members. “Each one of us can make a difference. Together we make change.” (Barbara Ann Mikulski)
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Visit Christmas in the Park!
Christmas in the Park will continue through January 2nd, from noon to midnight including Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Don’t forget to visit the AL of San Jose tree….
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Readers Are Leaders Distribute Gifts to Students
Happy Holidays! This December, over 2100 students in 10 schools will receive a National Geographic “First Book” that they can keep for themselves — a gift from AL of…
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Partners with CityTeam
AL of San Jose partners with CityTeam San Jose to end hardship in our city. Our volunteers provide bags of toiletries and help sort donated clothing for CityTeam’s pop-up…
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