Catching the Dreams of our Community for Over 30 Years

Governing Body 2024-2025

Auxiliary Chair
  Grace Williams

1st Auxiliary Vice Chair- Membership
Marguerite Long

2nd Auxiliary Vice Chair- Resource Development
Wendy Sanders

Recording Secretary
Jan Horton

Corresponding Secretary
Diane Passaquindici

Auxiliary Assistant Treasurer
Maria Sebastian

Philanthropic Programs Chair
Stephanie Billington

Marketing Communications Chair
Ami Racin

Harriet Ouellette

 Social Chair
      Linda Wentzel

Chapter Liaison
Sandi Woest

Congratulations to Pat Tucker!

 Making a Difference Award recipient 2024

Snapshot of new Board Installation and Special Year end awards 2024

The DREAMCATCHERS Auxiliary of the Assistance League of Huntington Beach, established in 1993, is for women who want to serve the community by being a part of the Assistance League of Huntington Beach, but whose schedules-whether work or other responsibilities- limit their volunteer
time. Since receiving our charter in 1994, DREAMCATCHERS has provided women the opportunity to belong to a great organization and to “give back” to our communities through its philanthropic programs and participation in some key Assistance League of Huntington Beach Chapter programs.
We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 7-8:30 p.m. As DREAMCATCHERS, we raise funds for our philanthropic programs by helping to staff the Thrift Store and by participating with fellow Chapter members in annual fundraising events.

DreamCatchers Celebrating 30 Years in 2023, CONGRATS!

Huntington Beach 4th of July Parade 2024!

DreamCatchers Marching in the 4th of July Parade 2024!

DreamCatcher & Plaque presented to the Auxiliary to honor the special relationship they have with the Senior Center of HB.

DreamCatchers partner with Senior Center Social Services Programs to bring cheer to 50 clients. 2022

DREAMCATCHERS participates in Operation School Bell ®  a signature program of Assistance League that helps clothe school children of low-income families to maximize their scholastic success. Our auxiliary members help fund this program and members can volunteer to work alongside chapter members at local Target  and JC Penney’s stores.

DREAMCATCHERS also supports the Assistance League of Huntington Beach’s Operation New Beginnings scholarship programs, which provide educational scholarships to veterans in local colleges and in the Golden West police program as well as single parents in Project Self Sufficiency. Members serve on the committee and the auxiliary provides funds for veterans who are police cadets in the Golden West Regional Criminal Justice Training Center program.

Alzheimer’s Family Center is an adult day care facility that provides Alzheimer’s services in Orange County, including programs for those in any stage of dementia as well as individuals experiencing dementia and depression, depression and memory loss, anxiety and Alzheimer’s, PTSD and dementia and more. DREAMCATCHERS has provided the Center parallel bars, blanket warmer, shower
equipment, furniture for a reading nook, craft items and activity items such as puzzles and fidgets along with several more items that
are used to assist with the care of their patients.

Silver Anchor works with the Huntington Beach Hospital’s mentally impaired clients in their outpatient program. DREAMCATCHERS
provides the clinic’s patients with many essentials, including personal hygiene items, meal gift cards, materials and supplies to enhance the day program.

Support our Seniors addresses the needs of lower income, homebound or at-risk older adults to enhance their quality of life and
promote successful aging.  DREAMCATCHERS coordinates with the Care Managers of the Senior Centers in Central Park of Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley and Westminster to aid with grocery gift cards, bus passes, and gift bags twice a year.

Therapeutic Riding Center in Huntington Beach uses horses to provide physical therapy for severely handicapped children and young adults. DREAMCATCHERS provides scholarships for students whose families cannot afford this therapy due to financial hardship.

Our Friends at the Senior Center held a reception June 30th to thank
and honor DreamCatchers for their support of home-bound seniors
in our community.
            DreamCatchers preparing items for their   Silver Anchor personal hygiene drive .
Our DreamCatchers members at Therapeutic Riding Center where they donated decorated gift bags of goodies to the Therapeutic Riding Center students.  They also got to see TRC in action!