Fall Luncheon a Big Success!

On November 3rd ALCP held its annual Fall Luncheon and Membership Meeting at the Astoria Golf and Country Club. This was the first time our group has held this event in 2 years and it was so wonderful to see all of our good ALCP friends again! It was a fun event organized by our Hospitality Chair, Mary Schlunegger. The tables were decorated with beautiful fall centerpieces and yummy Lindt truffle balls! We enjoyed a wonderful lunch of Turkey and Cranberry Sandwiches. Thanks so much Mary!

Our very informative speakers were Sarah Dielman from Foster Care Services (served by our Duffel Bag Program), Jeff Roberts, principal of Seaside Middle School and Natalie Dyroff and Jane Borman both Counselors at Seaside Middle School (served by our Operation School Bell program). After listening to these speakers we all came away with a great feeling that our ALCP programs are truly making a difference in the lives of the children served.

It was a BIG surprise to all when our member Linda Keizer announced that The Keizer Trust is going to award $25,000 to Assistance League of the Columbia Pacific. This is huge and we all gave her a much deserved standing ovation! We had two beautiful handmade quilts donated recently and we decided to raffle them off, raising $400! That can clothe 4 elementary kiddos! Linda is pictured with Mary Davies in the main photo for this post.

What a great time was had by all! Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.