A Wonderful Spring Luncheon!

A great time was had by all who attended our Spring Luncheon and Membership Meeting on May 4th.  We celebrated with a Cinco de Quattro theme and enjoyed a yummy Mexican themed lunch.  It was so wonderful to see all of the smiling faces of our Members finally together again having fun and catching up!  Fifty members and guests enjoyed a great presentation from Teresa Crouter, a Juvenile Probation Counselor,  who told a moving story about how ALCP helps children in the Juvenile Department as part of The Duffel Bag Program. We were surprised to learn that Teresa is the daughter of our very own Sandy Ford!  We voted in the 2022-23 Budget and heard reports from our Mary Davies, our President, Julie Seppa, our Philanthropic Chair, Theresa Turner, Tech Admin and Charlene Larsen, Circle Pin.

Mary presented Chapter awards to:
– Irene Baltimore – The Elf Award for all of her help at the warehouse
– Marian Soderberg – The Price is Right Award for hitting her budget (within $300)
-Cheri McGowan – The Jill Graham Award for her hard work on OSB

Mary thanked the out-going Board Members and welcomed the new Board Members.  Incoming President Liz Knutsen presented Mary with a thank you gift from the Board.