Operation School Bell®

Elementary and middle  school students are brought to Target with parents to “shop” for brand new clothing.  They all leave with a huge bag of new clothes, wide grins and a renewed sense of confidence.

Continuing Education

Provides funds for qualifying head-of-household single parent students at Rio Hondo Community College and Whittier College.

Wee Wardrobe

Provides newborn clothing and supplies to families in need in local hospitals.  Every new baby deserves to go home in a new outfit, with diapers and other essentials!

Operation Holiday

Provides Christmas dinners and wrapped gifts to families recommended by the Whittier Salvation.

Dental Care

This program provides emergency dental to elementary, middle, junior high and high school children who can’t afford dental care.  Children are screened and referred to Assistance League of Whittier by area schools

Kids on the Block

Kids on the Block uses life-size puppets to present programs addressing disabilities, physical difference and social concerns in order to help school children understand the word around them.

Summer Reading Programs

Provides incentives such as puppet and magic shows at the City of Whittier Public Libraries encouraging children to read throughout their summer vacation.


Delivers books, videos and tapes from Whittier Public Library to area shut-ins.

These are but a few of the small miracles we
help make happen throughout any given year.