Operation School Bell® provides clothing for elementary and junior high schoolchildren in need attending local area schools. Assistance League provides vouchers of a specified amount of money per child to local schools to be distributed. The schools screen the families to determine eligibility and provide them with the vouchers for the children to use on specific dates at one of two local Target stores who have agreed to participate in the program. Assistance League volunteers are always on hand to help the families during the shopping experience. Some of the children will be wearing all new clothes for the very first time. There were 595 students from four local school districts who participated in the 2019-2020 school year.
The nationwide Operation School Bell program has clothed more than 300,000 school children each year. Our Whittier Chapter has been participating since 1999.
In 2019-2020 the Operation School Bell committee provided 48 cases of Bayer/Rid Lice shampoo to four school districts for the school nurses to distribute to the schools as needed. .