Started in 2004, Summer Reading Program provides funds to the Whittier Public Library to help promote literacy and the love of reading in children. The Summer Reading Club’s themes, requirements, games, and activities are planned by the library. Assistance League committee members assist library staff throughout the summer and attend the special events. In the summer programs, a ventriloquist, an animal magician, and a puppet show are part of the festivities. In addition, Assistance League provided funds for the activities and booths at the summer party at our local Parnell Park. Assistance League of Whittier committee members wrapped over 2,000 hot dogs for the summer-end picnic event. Over 2,711 participants read a total of 20,165 books in the 2019 Summer Reading Program. There were six performances for the “Read to Me Club” was the Luce Puppet show  and a show for the “Stride Club,” a group of Special Needs Adults.  Photo of children waiting to the Luce Puppet show